New Bridleway at Compton Dundon

If any of you have walked or ridden along the new bridleway recently you will have seen how much work was achieved by the Compton Dundon Rights of Way volunteers who cleared some of the grass during September. The newly planted hedge is doing well and few plants were lost despite the extreme summer heat and drought. It has been wonderful to see how much it is being used and to be thanked by the horse riders who seem to be really appreciating it. The bridleway has definitely been a great success.

There is still a short section to finish plus clearing around the line of trees, planting up a small corner and applying some more wood chip mulch. 

We will be meeting on the 13th November at 10.30am (Peak Lane at end of new green lane) to hopefully finish the work which will set it up well for the next year. Bring gloves, spade, trowel or whatever tool you prefer. There will be cake but do bring a drink. 

If you would like to join us  please email

Back in the Saddle for 2020

As spring arrives, hopefully with some better weather, you might be starting to plan your riding schedule for the year. Have a look at the list of fun rides under ‘dates for your diary‘.

Remember, when the need arises, SSBA can help put together a clearance party to get rid of brambles etc on bridleways.

Our committe members have planned DofE ridden expedition routes in Somerset, Devon and Dorset and done 2-4 day rides in the south west such as the Coleridge Way and Wessex Ridgeway. Contact us if you would like help to plan your horsey holiday.

Happy riding and driving!

Stourhead and Penselwood Read and Ride Sunday 6th October

A 9 mile ride through the Stourhead estate with wonderful scenery and woodland tracks. This is a read and ride route; you will be given a map and written instructions. £12.00 per rider.

Start time 9.30am, last rider to start no later than 10.45am.

To book your place phone Penny Varnes on 01747 840680 or 07494 895940

Complete the entry form here and bring it with you or email to

Directions to venue, Bonham Airfield in Bells Lane, Stourton:

Grid Reference 780336

From the west, A303 take the Tinkers Hill exit east of Wincanton signed for Gillingham and Blandford. Turn right at the T junction and follow the road to Zeals. Turn left signed to St Martin’s Business Park. Parking is on the left after approximately 1 mile.

From Frome, take the B3092 turn right to Stourhead, then left into Bells Lane. Parking is a short distance on the right.