Update on the Pitney Routes DMMOs

Interim Order Decission

PINS proposes to modify the definitive map to raise Underwood Lane and Dyer’s Piece Lane to Restricted Byway status along with the northern end of Westerngate Road to Bridleway Status.

The nest step is for PINS to issue the Modification Notice.

For further information and a link to the Interim Order Decision see Alan’s post below.

Definitive Map 2026 “cut off date” for historic paths – DEFRA Update

Stakeholder Working Group

Update from DEFRA, 17 May 2022

In February we communicated our decision to repeal the 2026 cut-off date, and to proceed with the right to apply and cost recovery statutory instruments.

In addition, we can now also confirm that we are in a position to proceed with the remaining statutory instruments which will mean that we can implement the full package of reforms, not related to the cut-off date, and bring into force the improvements to rights of way processes originally envisaged under the Deregulation Act 2015.

See Backgorund page for info https://southsomersetbridlewaysassociation.co.uk/background