2031 Deadline Scrapped!

With the passing of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, the previous government introduced a deadline for all rights of way in England to be registered on the definitive map. Many routes are incorrectly classified as footpaths or still missing from the official map, so not protected under law for horse riders, cyclists or carriage drivers to use. Definitive Map Modification Order applications must be made with supporting evidence, and approved by the County Council’s Rights of Way Department or PINS to add routes to the map or upgrade them to higher rights of bridleways or restricted byways.

We started submitting DMMO applications in May 2008. Removal of the deadline enables us to continue submitting applications to add or upgrade lost routes to the definitive map where there is historical and/or user evidence.

We welcome any suggestions of routes that are currently used by horse riders and/or carriage drivers which are not on the Definitive Map but you believe might be old public routes. Please see our DMMO page and the ROAM map for a list of applications made.

Please see our Map Modification page and this Guardian article for more details here.

New restricted byway in Yeovil – Vagg Lane to Target Lane

An order has been confirmed for the upgrade of a footpath to a restricted byway in the Parish of Yeovil Without. The route runs from Vagg Lane eastwards to Target Lane. The application for this Definitive Map Modification Order was made in June 2011. It offers an at grade crossing over the A37 with good sight lines, and therefore offers the opportunity for more circular rides.

As with the confirmed Pitney routes, please use the Someset.gov.uk website to report any problems with access.

A Success Story

Order Made – Whitemoor Hill, Chaffcombe

In May 2008 the SSBA submitted an application to have the footpath over Whitemoor Hill in Chaffcombe recorded as a restricted byway.

In December 2015 the council agreed with our evidence and made an order to record the route as a restricted byway.

There was an objection from the serial objector and so some years later, in November 2023, the Planning Inspectorate called a hearing in Chard to decide the case.

A local resident then joined with the objectors, although he freely admitted that he knew horse riders had always used the route without challenge.

Now finally we have the result, which is a confirmation of the order.

There are now restricted byway rights recorded along Whitemoor Hill and there can be no challenge to anyone riding or carriage driving, or cycling, over Whitemoor Hill. The legal process does take such a long time. Nothing has changed on the ground, it is just the legal record which is has been amended.

Restoring the Record – Free Training

Want to find out what your evidence can unlock, and how to create a systematic research method to make DMMO applications to record & save lost routes? The British Horse Society is collaborating with the Ramblers to deliver two training days on Restoring the Record in the South West of England.

The courses will be conducted by two experts, well-known to the BHS: Sarah Bucks, Historic Research Advisor – South Somerset, and Dr Phil Wadey, CABO Hertsmere, Historical Research Advisor to AROWAC & Hertfordshire County Committee Member. They will run from 10am-4pm, covering how to research and apply for routes and the key resources used to study them.

The courses will run in the following locations (click on the link to find out more and book):

The courses are free of charge, but spaces are limited so please book your place if you’d like to attend.

Update on the Pitney Routes DMMOs

Interim Order Decission

PINS proposes to modify the definitive map to raise Underwood Lane and Dyer’s Piece Lane to Restricted Byway status along with the northern end of Westerngate Road to Bridleway Status.

The nest step is for PINS to issue the Modification Notice.

For further information and a link to the Interim Order Decision see Alan’s post below.

Save our Routes in Broadway!

South Somerset Bridleways Association meeting: Broadway Village Hall, TA19 9RX

Tuesday 25th February 7-9pm

Somerset County Council’s Regulation Committee turned down the SSBA’s applications for the Broadway routes on 6th February.

We would like to meet with those riders and carriage drivers that are disappointed in this decision to explain the legal process and why it is so important to save these routes.

The SSBA will appeal the decision. There is still hope that our rights to these routes may not be lost if enough riders and carriage drivers engage with the process.

Please join us on Tuesday and help us save these routes.