New restricted byway in Yeovil – Vagg Lane to Target Lane

An order has been confirmed for the upgrade of a footpath to a restricted byway in the Parish of Yeovil Without. The route runs from Vagg Lane eastwards to Target Lane. The application for this Definitive Map Modification Order was made in June 2011. It offers an at grade crossing over the A37 with good sight lines, and therefore offers the opportunity for more circular rides.

As with the confirmed Pitney routes, please use the website to report any problems with access.

A Success Story

Order Made – Whitemoor Hill, Chaffcombe

In May 2008 the SSBA submitted an application to have the footpath over Whitemoor Hill in Chaffcombe recorded as a restricted byway.

In December 2015 the council agreed with our evidence and made an order to record the route as a restricted byway.

There was an objection from the serial objector and so some years later, in November 2023, the Planning Inspectorate called a hearing in Chard to decide the case.

A local resident then joined with the objectors, although he freely admitted that he knew horse riders had always used the route without challenge.

Now finally we have the result, which is a confirmation of the order.

There are now restricted byway rights recorded along Whitemoor Hill and there can be no challenge to anyone riding or carriage driving, or cycling, over Whitemoor Hill. The legal process does take such a long time. Nothing has changed on the ground, it is just the legal record which is has been amended.

A303 Sparkford to Ilchester dualling scheme – update from site

National Highways sent this bulletin at 16-03-2023 04:25 PM GMT

Good afternoon

Please find the latest A303 Sparkford to Ilchester Dualling scheme update below.

March 28, Haynes Motor Museum, noon to 4pm
March 29 and 30,  Teals Farm Shop, South Cadbury,  9 to 5,
March 31, Haynes Motor Museum, 9 to 1pm
A303 Sparkford to Ilchester scheme update
Find out about progress on site, our plans to come out and meet local people with our ‘engagement van’ at the end of March, and see our latest aerial photography.
Go to this Sway

A358 Taunton to Southfields Dualling Scheme Update

National Highways’ Development Consent Order application for the A358 Taunton to Southfields Dualling Scheme, previously due to be submitted before the end of 2022, has been paused to support a review into the appropriateness of the environmental mitigations proposed for the project.

You can stay up to date with project news on the A358 Taunton to Southfields Dualling Scheme webpage, where you can also sign up to the National Highways newsletter.

SSBA will continue to promote the interests of horse riders and carriage drivers as the project develops.

New Bridleway at Compton Dundon

If any of you have walked or ridden along the new bridleway recently you will have seen how much work was achieved by the Compton Dundon Rights of Way volunteers who cleared some of the grass during September. The newly planted hedge is doing well and few plants were lost despite the extreme summer heat and drought. It has been wonderful to see how much it is being used and to be thanked by the horse riders who seem to be really appreciating it. The bridleway has definitely been a great success.

There is still a short section to finish plus clearing around the line of trees, planting up a small corner and applying some more wood chip mulch. 

We will be meeting on the 13th November at 10.30am (Peak Lane at end of new green lane) to hopefully finish the work which will set it up well for the next year. Bring gloves, spade, trowel or whatever tool you prefer. There will be cake but do bring a drink. 

If you would like to join us  please email

Volunteers Needed Compton Dundon [Edit] Postponed Until 6th March 2022

Would you like to help improve a new bridleway by helping to plant trees (small whips) in the Parish Council Allotment land between Peak Lane and Somerton Road. This will continue the new hedgeline which will delineate the boundary of the new permissive bridleway. 

The new green lane runs from the B3151 opposite L7/12 (Restricted Byway Touch Lane) through an existing vehicular access around the fields to Peak Lane by the southern end of Public Footpath L7/11.

Pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders will be able to cross the B3151 where there are clear sight lines and no longer need to travel along the road to/from the Peak Lane junction. 

For further details or to register your attendance please email

New permissive bridleway in Compton Dundon

What defines a good path for you?

Natural England has commissioned the Oxfordshire County Council, Systeme D and the University of Oxford to undertake a project to understand the most important qualities that define a good path (e.g. footpaths, bridleways, byways) for different types of uses. As part of this project, they are conducting a survey to collect feedback from user groups across England to identify the top quality metrics for different use types. The results will be openly available and published on

The survey comprises of 7 questions and should take less than 10 minutes to complete: