Save our Routes in Broadway!

South Somerset Bridleways Association meeting: Broadway Village Hall, TA19 9RX

Tuesday 25th February 7-9pm

Somerset County Council’s Regulation Committee turned down the SSBA’s applications for the Broadway routes on 6th February.

We would like to meet with those riders and carriage drivers that are disappointed in this decision to explain the legal process and why it is so important to save these routes.

The SSBA will appeal the decision. There is still hope that our rights to these routes may not be lost if enough riders and carriage drivers engage with the process.

Please join us on Tuesday and help us save these routes.

Council to repair and reopen bridleway at Kingswood

The SSBA recently worked with South Somerset County Council with regards to issues along some of our bridleways. The responce we received is below. Thank you to those who brought the issues to our attention and to the Rights of Way Area Wardens for their help in keeping these vital routes open.

An update following my visit to Kingswood Farm last week. I have spoken to the landowner at Kingswood about us having reports that riders were being turned away from his farm and yes the Bridleway is still closed at the junction of Y 10/29 & Y 10/27 to Marsh Farm. 

We are going to carry our works along the bridleway from Common Lane to the Dorset border beyond Whitevine Farm which I will list below. (I have the works scheduled in for this month)
Where the B/W starts at common lane there will be a new bridleway gate installed beside the cattle grid.

Where the locked gate is there is now a wide gap this will remain but there will be a section of post and rail fence alongside the stream. Any other gates would have new easy opening arms fitted.

Going towards Whitevine Farm there has been a small gate fitted by the landowner but there is a ditch close to it, the ditch will be piped and a proper B/W gate will be installed the works here will be carried out by the landowner of Whitevine Farm.

Works to the gates going to Marsh Farm will not be done whilst it is under a closure notice, [we] will update you with the situation regarding the dangerous bridge and this closure.