Proposed creation of a public bridleway over land in Donyatt

Somerset County Council (SCC) is proposing to create a route as a public bridleway over land which was excluded from the recent SCC farm sale and would be pleased to receive your comments.

The lawful width of the route will be restricted to a maximum of 3m throughout except where it passes through existing field gates and a 1.5m wide gate will be installed adjacent to the existing field gate at location A (see plan below). The final position of the gate is to be confirmed following this consultation.

The proposed bridleway route is shown on the plan below.

Please do send your comments or questions on this proposal to Mr Loren Eldred, SCC Rights of Way Officer by the 20th December 2019:

4 thoughts on “Proposed creation of a public bridleway over land in Donyatt

  1. It’s great that a bridleway is being proposed, but what would be so much better is it being a restricted byway, then carriage drivers would be able to enjoy it as well. The route would be plenty wide enough for horse drawn vehicles.
    There are very few safe off road routes for carriage drivers, which is very remiss when it comes to supposedly “multi user routes” Cyclists are having an abundance of routes created, yet carriage drivers are very often left out of the equation. Carriage driving is a very sustainable means of transport which is also often used for the disabled to enjoy our wonderful countryside safely.

    Please include carriage drivers in this route

    1. Thanks for your comment, Maggie. We definitely need more safe off road routes for carriage drivers. I’ve forwarded your comment to Mr Eldred.

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